Acne Control Management

Redefining acne management with a unique acne treatment formula that’s unlike any other – free from harsh chemicals, acid and bleach! Next gen skincare meets easiest 3 step acne solution.


“I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for creating the Acne Control Lotion and Acne Control Spot Cream.

I’ve been struggling with acne since I was 16 and I’m 34 now – over half my life. Even though some may say it’s ’just’ acne, it takes quite a toll on you mentally. I’ve spent endless amounts of money on all types of creams, vitamins and treatments over that time but have never found a product which helps reduce my acne long term with no irritation.

I’ve been so impressed, the Acne Control Lotion and the Acne Spot Cream are my absolute favourites in my routine and have kept my acne under control.”  

D. W., Australia
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Round promotional graphic on a blue background with love hearts and text in white: Tried, Tested, Loved

Articles about Acne

Combining Acne Spot Treatment with Other Skincare Products: Do’s and Don’ts
When it comes to managing acne, finding the right balance in your skincare routine is crucial. Combining acne spot treatments with other skincare products can be great for your skin if done correctly. However, some combinations of products may lead to irritation, ineffective results, or even worsening your acne breakouts. Here’s a guide to help …
Young adult concerned about acne
Guide To A Benzoyl Peroxide-Free Acne Treatment
Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of Australians, from teenagers to adults. Traditional treatments often include harsh chemicals, but Dermal Therapy’s Acne range is formulated without harsh acids like benzoyl peroxide.  Benzoyl peroxide can cause skin irritation, sensitivity to sunlight, bleaching of fabrics and potential allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) and hence may …
Benzoyl Peroxide-Free Acne Treatment Guide | Dermal Therapy

Complementary products

For best results we recommend these products be used together as a regimen of care for acne-prone skin.

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The Dermal Therapy brand and products have been featured in a wide variety of media and publications including those featured here. Follow the link to our in the media page where you can read a collection of media articles covering a variety of products from our extensive range.
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